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salon: 888.908.3211 admissions: 888.602.4377

August 1, 2017

Benefits of Deep Conditioning Treatments

Hair care is different for everyone, and as such, you’ll learn a variety of techniques and practices in Collectiv Academy’s Cosmetology / Barbering program. One such practice is a deep conditioning treatment, one of the most common services offered in a given salon.

Deep conditioning is designed to support the health, hydration, strength and overall appearance of hair for clients, and it should be a regular part of most people’s hair care routine. Here are some of the benefits you can pass on to your clients to show them how necessary these services really are.

Prevents Damage

Deep hair conditioning can help prevent damage to the hair through moisture, texture and penetration of the hair shaft. It helps prevent breakages and split ends, and even for hair that isn’t specifically damaged in the first place, it will help maintain overall health.

Increases Moisture

Proper moisture quantity is an absolute must for healthy hair, and deep conditioning goes a long way here. These services will contain ingredients like protein, essential oils and water, all of which will help keep the hair moist and comfortable. Without the proper moisture, hair becomes dry and brittle, and the chances of breakage go way up.

Promotes Elasticity

Dry, brittle hair is much more prone to snapping and breaking under tension, and that’s never a desirable outcome. Hair needs to be nourished and strengthened to prevent this, and that’s exactly what happens during deep conditioning treatments.

Adds Shine

In many cases, hair that appears to have “lost its luster” is really just hair that needs more of the kinds of nutrients a deep conditioning treatment supplies. Daily wear and tear plus product usage can rob your hair of moisture and its signature shine over time, but a deep conditioning treatment will smooth the shaft and get rid of that dryness.

These are just some of the benefits of a deep conditioning treatment, and that is just one of the treatments that students learn in our program. If you want to experience it for yourself, call or stop by today to book an appointment for one of our salon services!
