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February 15, 2017

Skin Care Tips for Clients

A big part of a career in the salon involves giving advice. Your clients come to you for your skills and techniques, but also for a professional opinion on many different elements of beauty.

At Collectiv Academy cosmetology school, we’ll mold you into a stylist who not only provides the right services, but provides the proper advice and tips. In particular, skin care is very important to many people, and you’ll get lots of questions in this area. Let’s look at a few very general tips you can give clients for keeping their skin healthy at home.


This is the basis for all skin health programs. These three elements go hand in hand, and will help keep your skin looking fresher and younger.

Fist, use warm (not hot) water to wash off the face, and a non-soap cleanser to soothe the skin. This should be one of your clients’ first practices every morning From here, promptly apply the correct moisturizer – doing so soon after washing will help more moisture to be held in the skin.

Avoid potentially irritating additives, especially if you have sensitive skin, and limit long showers and baths to 15 minutes or so. Make sure clients are removing makeup every night before they go to sleep, as excess makeup can damage the skin.

Diet and Habits

Many people are unaware of how vital diet and other habits are to healthy skin. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins your body needs to promote healthy skin, plus important antioxidants. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids also contain a number of beneficial nutrients.

Down similar lines, avoiding smoking and excess alcohol can go a long way. Smoking narrows blood vessels in skin and causes earlier aging, plus depletes it of vital vitamin C. Alcohol also damages blood vessels, and can dehydrate the skin. Where possible, advise your clients down these lines.


Poor sleep quality will make the skin look older and more droopy, and can help form bags under the eyes. Getting the right amounts of sleep can help naturally avoid this.

The Sun

Skin aging can be heavily accelerated by long term exposure to the sun, especially during high-intensity hours. Clients should be reminded that sunscreen is vital at least 20 minutes before venturing into the sun for a longer period, and long sleeves are recommended whenever possible.

As you can see, there are lots of factors that can impact skin health, and lots of ways to improve it. You’ll learn all this and more while attending our cosmetology program. To find out more, request an info pack.

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