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salon: 888.908.3211 admissions: 888.602.4377

December 1, 2016

Is Cosmetology Your True Calling?

You’ve heard friends or family members bragging about how their life’s work was their “true calling,” and we all know that just as often as not, this is a nice story that probably isn’t entirely true. Many of us stumble into our careers for one reason or another, and there’s nothing wrong with this!

Many others truly do know their calling early in life, though, and at Collectiv Academy, we’d like to think our cosmetology school students are a big part of this group. Cosmetology is just one of those things where you often know from an early age that it’ll be what you do your whole life. What are some of the early signs that you might be just right for a career in cosmetology?

First Resource

Have you suddenly started to notice that you have a growing list of friends and family who consistently come to you first for everything from makeup advice to a little hair alteration? Are you actively in charge of the beauty profile for a half-dozen other people besides yourself? Looks like the answer is right there in front of you: A career doing exactly that could be right up your alley if you love seeing those phone calls.

Socially Outgoing

The social element is a huge part of the salon experience. If you’re a creative person who often expresses that creativity outwardly and can get along with anyone, you’ll be right at home.

Early Trials

In many cases, you’ll know well before you even reach high school age that you’re fit for a career in beauty. Maybe you insisted on doing your own hair as a young child, or developed a reputation in middle school as the school’s best makeup artist. These are tea leaves begging to be read.

Different Timetable

Best of all for many people, the world of cosmetology offers the sort of scheduling freedom that many of us crave. This isn’t a boring desk job with a cubicle, and the hours won’t look anything like one of those. Your workload depends entirely on you, and this is perfect for motivated people who want the freedom to manage their time in their own way.

Ready to get started? Apply today!

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