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June 15, 2017

What to Tell Clients Growing a Beard

Ladies aren’t the only clients in a given salon – guys come in as well, and at Collectiv Academy, our cosmetology school programs will keep you fully prepared for both genders. One big item that’s often unique to men? Beard care.

A beard is a growing style element for men these days, and an increasing number are willing to seek help with theirs at the salon. Here are a few tips you can give clients on growing, shaping and maintaining a beard.

First Month

The first month of growing a beard is vital, and it will take some discipline. Most good beard stylists do not recommend any heavy-duty shaving, shaping or trimming for the first month or so – obtaining a solid beard takes about this long. This gap helps clients understand how their hair naturally grows on the face, and gives an idea of what kinds of shapes will work well. It also gives a long enough period for a foundation to grow in.

Skin Type

Especially for men who have never grown a major beard before, determining skin type before getting started can go a long way. Dry skin, oily skin and sensitive skin may all have different requirements for growing a proper beard, and a stylist trained at Collectiv Academy will have all the expertise to advise clients in these areas.


Many stylists recommend moisturizing a beard daily, and using the proper materials. Coconut oil is a popular product that smells good and washes out easily, plus adds nutrients – once again, this is an area where you’ll be able to give numerous recommendations based on specifics once you’ve been through our programs. Moisturizing helps keep the entire face, not just the beard itself, healthy.


Clients should know that as they go down the bearded road, the skin may protest at times. Itching is one of these primary methods, but that doesn’t mean folks should take the first major itching episode as a reason to grab the razor and give up. For clients who can’t manage the itch, it will be up to you to recommend new products or strategies to keep things more comfortable.

It may not be the fad it once was, but the popularity of beards isn’t likely to go away any time soon. That’s why we made mustache and beard trimming part of our program. If you’re ready to begin your journey toward being a beauty professional, apply today.

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