salon & spa services: 888.908.3211 admissions: 888.602.4377
salon: 888.908.3211 admissions: 888.602.4377


February 1, 2017

How to Succeed as a Hair Stylist


As a hairstylist, you’ve chosen a path that allows you to combine your passion with the desire to make a difference in someone’s life. However, succeeding as a hairstylist goes far beyond just knowing the right skills. In this blog, we will explore different skills needed to succeed as a hairstylist!

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December 15, 2016

Quick Makeup Techniques on the Go


A big part of the salon world involves clients on the go who need quick services, and as a student in our cosmetology program, you’ll learn how to properly manage these clients within your schedule. One of the most common areas of need here is generally makeup – many clients may just need a quick…

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September 15, 2016

How to Succeed in Beauty School Classes


If you have a passion for beauty, attending school is a crucial step toward achieving your dreams. However, like any educational pursuit, it requires dedication, passion, and a strategic approach to succeed. In this blog, we talk about the essential tips and tricks that can help you excel in your beauty school classes. Whether you’re…

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August 15, 2016

Four Funding Sources for Your Cosmetology Education


If you’re thinking about beginning a career in cosmetology, it’s important to get high-quality training in order to prepare yourself for a successful path. For many aspiring hairstylists and barbers, they may be wondering how they will be able to pay for all of the classes and services they need in order to get licensed….

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Your career in the industry begins here

Get Started


When I graduated COLLECTIV Academy, I knew that I was educated at the highest level and that I was going to do great in the industry

Student Testimonial

I absolutely love going to school here. It’s rare that you don’t see both owners on the floor working with students. The space is creative and welcoming, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

Tyler Hope Magee

There have been times when I’ve believed that maybe this isn’t the career for me. But …thanks to Hair Camp, I feel much more confident.

Student Testimonial

[COLLECTIV] really pulled me in with how nice and welcoming [they] are and how clean and how well [they] portrayed the school.

Student Testimonial

The education was the best in the valley.

Student Testimonial

five stars

As soon as you walk through the doors you'll notice a VERY clean school, beautiful furniture and fresh flowers. Their reception area and staff are friendly, fashionable, and professional. You'll also be offered beverage. Once greeted by your service provider a thorough consultation is given by the student alongside with one of the academy's world renowned instructors. The student body are well dressed, professional and knowledgeable. You will love everything that this academy has to offer. Best cosmetology program in the universe hands down.

M. Beale
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Sandy, UT

10301 S 1300 E, Sandy, UT 84094

Admissions: 801.891.1892

Dallas, TX

6757 Arapaho Road, Suite 777
Dallas, TX 75248

Admissions: 469.522.3226

Worcester, MA

6 Park Ave
Worcester, MA 01605

Admissions: (508) 756-6060

Braintree, MA

727A Granite St
Braintree, MA 02184

Admissions: (781) 428-3099

Cranston, RI

1279 Oaklawn Ave
Cranston, RI 02920

Admissions: (401) 463-3633